Textual analysis is the process of breaking down a text into its various elements and studying them to analyse how meaning is created. When analysing moving image media (such as film or television) we must examine the following areas: - camera work (shots, angles, movements) - editing (how shots have been put together) - sound (both digetic and non-digetic) - special effects (if there are any) - mise-en-scene (costume, make-up, facial expression, props, setting, performance)
In this trailer, teenagers are represented to be violent, hormonal, rebellious, rowdy, promiscuous and aggressive. There is alot of energy, showing them to be youthful and energetic. They look out of control. No respect.These representations are constructed by an aggressive dog, showing that the teenagers are violent. You also see the teenagers fighting showing they are violent. You see two teenagers having sex, showing they are promiscuous and hormonal. They show no respect as when the police show up, they fight back. They are rowdy as we see them break things.
Different things that can be represented in television drama; - gender (masculinity/femininity) - race (white, asain, black) - religion - age - sexuality - appearance eg. blonde, tall, fat. - disability - class - wealth - regionality - ethnicity
Ways in which teenagers/young people are represented in the media; - hormonal - emo/depression - 'hoodies' - teenage pregnancy - american teenagers - bitchy - promiscuous - 'broken britain' - violent - 'happy slapping' - stupid, hormones, alcohol, pregnancy - moody - 'am i bovvered' - alcohol - binge drinking